Fitness Workout for Women

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Follow this 25 minute, full body dumbbell workout with me, I hope you enjoy it.

8x Exercises, 30 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest, 4 rounds in total.

I am using 5kg Dumbbells for this workout, you can go as heavy as you feel comfortable.

1. Thrusters
2. Squat-Curtsy Lunge
3. RDL-Lateral Raise
4. Cross Body Front Raise
5. Squat-Front Raise
6. Upright Row
7. Full Leg Raise-Knee Crunch
8. Tricep Kickbacks

Alternative exercises are provided in the top right-hand corner.
Stop at any point if you need to, and have a longer rest before the next exercise.
Make sure you have plenty of water.


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All workouts are physically challenging and carries with it risks that we cannot entirely eliminate.
We are not qualified to express an opinion that you are fit to safely participate but if you have any pre-existing medical conditions then you must obtain professional or specialist advice from your doctor before participating.
You must carry out the following warm up and cool down exercises before carrying out any workouts. and
In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by us, participation in all is entirely at your risk.

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